What Is ‘Devotion, a Story of Love and Desire’ on Netflix About? Should You Watch It?

What Is ‘Devotion, a Story of Love and Desire’ on Netflix About? Should You Watch It?

Netflix has such varied content that there is something for everyone. For adults who want to look at the darker side of relationships, well, Netflix has always kept them happy too. Movies such as Dark Desire, Playing With Fire, Unstoppable, and Toy Boy deal with the darker underbelly of relationships. And now Netflix is back with its newest addition to the list Devotion, a Story of Love and Desire.

Devotion, a Story of Love and Desire- plot and cast

In Devotion, a Story of Love and Desire, Carlo and Margherita, a married couple, are in love. They appear to have a beautiful married life, almost like something out of a storybook, but as the trailer develops, we discover specific issues affecting their relationship. Eventually, they get closer to other people, causing problems in their relationship. Their picture-perfect lives are thrown into disarray as their commitment and faithfulness are called into doubt. Separately, the pair attempts to pursue their inclinations, but they are afraid of the repercussions.

The show’s original name is Fedeltà (Fidelity) which Netflix has now changed to Devotion a Story of Love and Desire to avoid confusion with the Canadian animation, also called Fidelity.

Starring in the the show are Michele Riondino, Lucrezia Guidone, Carolina Sala, Leonardo Pazzagli and Maria Paiato. Michele and Lucrezia play the leading couple around whom the show follows.

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Watch it or leave it?

Overall, the show is very engaging and accounts for a binge-watch. Highlights of the show are its great story which keeps the viewers on edge and a stellar star cast that gives a genuine and honest performance. The most crucial reason to watch the show is its reflection on marriage. Devotion asks a critical question, who is more deserving of our loyalty, our spouses or us?

The show is a must-watch as it is very entertaining and gives you something to think about. The show is currently available on Netflix for streaming.

Let us know in the comments about more shows and movies like Devotion.

The post What Is ‘Devotion, a Story of Love and Desire’ on Netflix About? Should You Watch It? appeared first on Netflix Junkie.
