8 Best Quotes From ‘You’ Netflix Series

8 Best Quotes From ‘You’ Netflix Series

Here are some of the best quotes about love, life, and obsession coming from the hit Netflix Original series You.

You is a brilliant TV series that landed on the popular streaming platform a couple of years ago. The series is actually based on novels written by Caroline Kepnes and it follows a young man called Joe Goldberg. Although Joe seems like a pretty decent guy at first, he is actually an obsessive man with a twisted understanding of love.

As Joe goes through a rocky journey full of crime, obsession, schemes, and intrusive thoughts he also makes unforgettable comments throughout the two seasons. That also has to do something with his reading skills as he is also a bookworm. That’s why have listed the best quotes from You. We should also note that season 3 is on its way.

“Love is kind, love is patient but also, mainly and above all, love is perverted.”

8 Best Quotes From You TV Series
You Season 2 – Credit: Netflix

We do not know how you perceive love and what it means to you. But according to our protagonist here, love has lots of traits and that also includes perversion. When you think about it, his words are partly true as what we call love is very twisted in its own way.

“The real tragedy would be not appreciating what you have.”

Best You Quotes From Joe Goldberg

Life consists of many things and sometimes we should take a step back and appreciate what we have. And when you think about it, even Joe has something to appreciate in life even though he is an obsessed serial killer.

“There is nothing more terrifying realizing that the one who knows you best loves you least, pities you even.”

Joe Goldberg

There is another similar saying that goes “familiarity breeds contempt”. Looks like Joe has understood this the hard way. Because when you really know someone with all of their secrets, you will probably love them less. You might

“The real horror of my life isn’t that I’ve killed some terrible people. The real horror is that the people I’ve loved didn’t love me back.”

Not being loved back really hurts. It might be the most hurtful thing that you might experience in your life too. We do not know anything about the killing part though. So you are alone in that part dear Joe.

“I’ve always had a complicated relationship with my own existence.”

Even when you are a twisted person with obsessive and intrusive behavior, you might have a complicated relationship with yourself. We all have conflicts with our minds and hearts. So do we Joe, so do wey.

“You don’t understand. I would never hurt someone love.”

What you need to know about obsessed serial killers is that they always talk about how they never would do something. If they say that, know that they did the exact opposite and will do it again.

“We all get our hearts broken. We get fucked up and throw up and we cry and listen to sad songs and say we’re never doing that again. To love is to risk everything.”

Life is about making mistakes over and over again and saying to ourselves that it was the last. Yet we keep on making mistakes in different ways and trying to convince ourselves that we won’t do it again. But life is also about taking risks.

“At the end of the day, only you know who you really are.”

We all put on our masks whether big or small in life. And no matter how close we are with other people, only we know who we are behind those masks. That’s why this is a hell of a quote.

These are the 8 best quotes from You and its brilliant characters. The hit Netflix Original series has another season in the works. So prepare yourselves for lots of new quotes from Joe as he tries to navigate his way around obsession.

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