A Busted Pipe Dumped Sewage On Washington Football Fans At FedEx Field

A Busted Pipe Dumped Sewage On Washington Football Fans At FedEx Field

The Washington Football Team opened their 2021 season at home against the L.A. Chargers on Sunday as fans flocked to FedEx Field for, what they hoped, would be the start of a potentially promising season in the nation’s capital.

Subjecting yourself to NFC East football, in general, always runs the risk of making you feel ill, but a group of fans in Washington found themselves in an even worse situation when a pipe burst above their section, dumping sewage, per the man commentating this video, on the poor Football Team fans below.

It seems like sewage spewing onto fans isn’t a great omen for the 2021 Football Team season, but the optimist would say it can’t really get any worse than that. There are few things that seem like a worse experience than being at a sporting event and having sewer water suddenly pouring onto your seat (in the first half, no less), knowing you have two options: dry off with napkins and paper towels and then sit in the sun the rest of the day stinking or leave the game and know you flushed most of your money down the drain (no pun intended).

Hopefully the pipe was fixed quickly and the fans were given some kind of compensation for their unfortunate predicament. As for the football on the field, the Football Team at least kept the day from being more miserable as they were leading the Chargers early in the third quarter.
