Avengers: Endgame
undeniably delivered some of the most memorable moments in cinematic history. From Black Widow’s sacrifice on Vormir to Tony Stark’s heartfelt “I love you 3000
” phrase and Steve Rogers’ emotional ending, every scene packed an emotional punch. But perhaps none were as iconic as the return of the Infinity War
casualties. The iconic Portals scene gave fans an unforgettable experience, with a chance to celebrate and welcome back their favorite MCU heroes. Unsurprisingly, that scene went through significant changes during reshoots.
The Russo Brothers recently shared how much attention and reworking went into creating the portal scene in Avengers: Endgame.
Russo Brothers on the making of the portal scene
In an interview with Empire magazine
, the Russo Brothers shared how much the iconic portal scene in Avengers: Endgame
evolved during reshoots. Turns out, the final version was way different from what they initially envisioned. Originally, the plan was for the camera to rotate around Steve Rogers, with everyone gathered behind him. But just having the Avengers return and cutting between them would not have had the same powerful emotional impact for Marvel fans in the theatres.
The final sequence gave every major returning hero their moment to shine and be celebrated. The portals turned out to be a fantastical entrance for every hero worthy of the Infinity
Saga’s grand finale. Thankfully, the original Avengers: Endgame
plan was revised, and the portal scene, which now even has a parody in the MCU itself
, made their way into the movie’s epic final battle. However, the directing duo found it tough to think about what came after Endgame.
In the interview, the Russo Brothers also shared how they ended up returning to the MCU to helm upcoming Avengers
Russo Brothers share how they returned to the MCU
The Russo Brothers opened up about how the idea to produce Doomsday
and Secret Wars
came to life. After the success of Endgame,
the duo had not initially considered coming back to the MCU. But over time, chats with Marvel executives, including President Kevin Feige and Co-President Louis D’Esposito, kept their connection to the franchise alive. “We’d throw ideas around here and there
,” said Anthony Russo.
Nothing, however, truly stuck with the creators until they hit upon a concept that excited everyone involved in it. “It was a story we knew we had to tell.
” The brothers and screenwriter Steven McFeely came on board, making a few tweaks of their own, and the projects soon began to take shape. And hopefully, the MCU will deliver more moments as iconic as the portal scene in the upcoming Avengers
installments as well.
Read More: Fans Spot Major Flaws in Marvel’s Approach To Avengers, Follow Up With Mass Dislikes
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