Chet Hanks: White Boy Summer Is About White Boys That Love Black Queens

Chet Hanks proclaimed 2021 a “white boy summer” but many people were not sure what he meant.

In a new interview, he explained what it means.

“White boy summer is… me,” Chet said to Channel 5. “White boy summer is fun, inclusive; white boy summer is love. It’s about the white boys that love Black queens — it’s the white boys that are tuned into the Black girl magic. That’s really what white boy summer is all about: just shining a light on interracial relations.” He says he has preferred Black women for “as long as he could remember.”

He also spoke about the drama surrounding his patois accent. Chet told the news channels that Jamaicans loved it. The clips went viral and people accused him of cultural appropriation.


Chet Hanks proclaims ‘White Boy Summer’ is on the way (; 1:23)

“Jamaican people showed me the most love, hands down,” Chet said. “But then you’ve got all these social justice warriors in America saying that I’m a f*ckin’ villain.”
