Here Are The BEST & WORST Dressed From Yesterday’s MET GALA!!

Here Are The BEST & WORST Dressed From Yesterday’s MET GALA!!

The Met Gala took place yesterday in New York City, and tons of celebrities came out. MTO News has separated the celebs into three categories – the best dressed, the OK dressed, and the tragic.

For the best dressed, only a few made it into the list, namely Jennifer Lopez and Iman. They totally nailed their looks. Here are the two:

Then came the next group, which include Lil Nas X, Jennifer Judson, Alicia Keys, Serena Williams, Ciara, and Rihanna and boyfriend A$AP Rocky. 

Trina Got Engaged To Her Boyfriend

Trina Got Engaged To Her Boyfriend (; 1:50)


Then of course there was the tragic – and two people fall into this strategy – the first is Kim Kardashian who wore black stockings over her face, and a Black t-shirt. She was trying to be edgy . . . but just looked tacky:

And lastly is Kid Cudi – who appears to be transitioning into a full on trans-person. He’s been wearing skirts and dresses all week. Hmmmm…

