‘She-Hulk’s’ Jameela Jamil Used to Be an “internet c—”? Marvel Actor Reveals the Dark Secrets of Her Social Past

In a universe where capes and heroics often come with a side of savior complex, Jameela Jamil’s Mary MacPherran, better known as Titania, proved not every comic book arc is a redemption story. Sometimes, things spiral straight into villain mode. Just like her Marvel alter ego, who thrived on chaos and social media obsession with She-Hulk, Jamil recently took a scroll through her own past; one where she was not dodging internet trolls but being one.

While most celebrities brace themselves against the merciless keyboard warriors, Jamil confessed to once wielding the digital dagger herself, dishing out the very darkness she now speaks against.

Jameela Jamil admits she was once a shady netizen

On a recent episode of David Tennant Does a Podcast With

, the host asked Jameela Jamil, if the consequences of her social activism get to her or if she has become immune to it. Jamil confessed that the “r— threats”

got her distressed because she was only human at the end of the day. But besides that, “I used to be an internet troll, David. I was an internet c—,”

the actor added. 

Recounting those days, Jamil explained she was oblivious to the influence she was spreading on the account of poking fun.

She went on to say she engaged in misogynism, completely unaware of what “patriarchy

” meant or what social activism stood for. “I was just mentally ill and lonely and insane and so I would get online”

and go rogue without thinking about the aftermath. Jamil has come a long way from those dark days of social past and as a result, she understands why people troll on the Internet. 

Read More: “I can’t” – ‘She-Hulk’ Star Jameela Jamil Reveals the Peculiar Reason She Did Not Audition For Netflix’s ‘You’

Jameela Jamil believes the tendency to troll, lurking in the shadows of something untraceable on the face value, comes from the lack of power and intention to gain it all.

Jameela Jamil probes into the mindset of Internet trollers

During her conversation on the David Tennant Does a Podcast With

, the She-Hulk

actor did not mince words or play coy about her past activities on social media. Although her confessions are surely a departure from the social fate inflicted on the majority of showbiz stars, being on the not-so-credible side has given her the lesson of a lifetime. Consequently, Jameela Jamil confessed she understands their mentality that stems from being “disempowered


Jamil believes these netizens who nitpick and mercilessly troll others online have massive amounts of “pent-up rage”

with no outlet whatsoever. But when they take to social media to throw these swipes, they remain oblivious that someone could get hurt. This is why Jamil does not get bothered when trollers go on her tail every now and then. However, she highlighted pens are mightier than swords and netizens must realize it before it is too late.

Read More: ‘She-Hulk’ Fans Brace Themself for ‘Deadpool’ Theory, As MCU Series’ Writer Joins Ryan Reynolds’ ‘Deadpool 3’

What do you think of Jameela Jamil’s dark days on social media? Let us know in the comments below!
